207 on High


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solution we developed to help their business.

About – 207 on High

OneIT created an integrated booking engine to facilitate online bookings by users and agents.

Online Booking System

Elevating online brand presence and bookings for an accommodation group.


207 on High was initially part of an accomodation group offering premium accommodation in Fremantle, the Swan Valley and Cape Tribulation. They were keen to elevate their online brand presence in a highly competitive market with the development of three new websites, complete with online booking functionality.


With visual appeal being a key driver for online bookings, web design formed a major component of the project. OneIT worked closely with 207 on High and the other brands to establish an understanding of each property and their respective markets.


Three distinctive web designs administered by a single content management system
An integrated booking engine to facilitate online bookings by users and agents
Search engine optimisation to maximise visibility and increase traffic to the accommodation sites


All three properties booked up quickly after the launch of the revamped sites and new online booking engine, and they continue to maintain a consistently high level of online traffic and room reservations.

New properties can be easily added to the group, each benefiting from the booking system and platform. This was demonstrated with a new Swan Valley property three months after completion of the website.

Quick Corporate Australia



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solution we developed to help their business.

About – Quick Corporate Australia

An out-of-the-box software solution simply was not going to deliver the capabilities their business demands.


E-Procurement Webstore

Quick Corporate offers office items to Australian businesses. When they decided to transition their business online, OneIT designed a website and custom made application solution.

Quick Corporate’s new online store allows for faster ordering and increased market penetration.


Quick Corporate was founded in the past when business stationery requests were taken largely by phone or fax. Having made a decision to transition to web based transactions, facilitating a faster ordering process, they knew an out-of-the-box software solution wasn’t going to deliver the capabilities their business calls for.


Designing and creating Quick Corporate’s online store was only a small portion of the solution. We also had to make sure the new site was fully integrated with the core business software.


Customers to place and evaluate orders and access a customised lists of frequently purchased items
Full integration with Quick Corporate’s existing invoicing process
Real-time price changes and product availability


Quick Corporate’s online store has been incorporated by its business members and it is now the main method of client relationship, with 70% of sales processed within the website.

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Instant access to updated pricing and product availability has significantly improved the customer experience, minimising disappointment and confusion. Furthermore, the site’s integration with business software has also eliminated the double-handling of orders.

Bottom-line Benefits

Cutting the price of handling orders, the web based store has allowed Quick Corporate to support smaller consumers, that would previously been shown to be too unproductive to manage. And beyond winning the little guys, Quick Corporate has been able to penetrate new and increasing markets too.

Commonwealth Bank Financial Solutions – Public Websites


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solution we developed to help their business.

About – Financial Wisdom

OneIT has developed a user friendly site that has allowed us to collaborate across various locations nationally. The OneIT team are professional, friendly and always on hand for any questions/issues that may arise.

Tennille Habner
PA to General Manager, Financial Wisdom

Public Websites

Rolling out of Commonwealth Bank and Financial Wisdom Advisers public sites, using one management system.


In today's highly competitive world of financial services and keeping up to their reputation, Commonwealth Bank and Financial Wisdom were looking to assist their Advisers having greater online exposure, while complying with regulations and retain brand consistency.


By developing Financial Wisdom X-sites the system enabled the Advisers to create turnkey personalised websites. Users are provided with a tool to search for their nearest Financial Adviser, by innovating the Financial Wisdom public website through our customized management system.


Personalisation – The software creates a website from entered Advisers personal data and business focus;
Security - Content access is restricted by a security clearance;
Compliance - Advisers are complying with financial services guidelines and regulations following an approval workflow system;
Benchmarking - Easy to use tool gives the Advisers key perfomance indicators like revenue, number of staff and clients under management, with which they can benchmark themseleves against other Advisers within the Group;
Searching - Software that enables the users of the public website to search Advisers by postcode or suburb and instantly providing names and detail.


Providing the Advisers with easy to use software for creating personalised websites under the Commonwealth Bank and Financial Wisdom brand quickly and with little administrative effort. Instant access to the nearest qualified and credible professional for locals seeking financial advice.

Bottom line Benefits

Rolling out of Group’s branded Financial Advisers websites at no additional cost, using One IT developed customised content management system and providing the Advisers with greater online presence.

Team Roof


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solution we developed to help their business.

About – Team Roof

OneIT put together our quoting system package and we found them to be efficient and reliable. Their commitment far exceeded our expectations. We look forward to using them again when we need to update.

Colleen O’Donnell
Managing Director

Quoting System

Combining workflow and project management systems, TeamRoof’s rules-based estimating software provides all employees the tools to create professional accurate quotes.


Combining workflow and project management systems, TeamRoof’s rules-based estimating software provides all employees the tools to create professional accurate quotes.


The tailored software solution developed by OneIT incorporates a workflow and project management system to develop an automated, rules-based estimating system.


Develop and customise a quote determined by materials of varying dimensions
Develop and customise a quote determined by materials of varying dimensions
Enables new and existing product details to be easily added and altered
‘Email supplier’ functionality to request bulk prices
Generate branded standardised quotation paperwork


Automating the estimating process has significantly reduced the amount of time that is required to create quotes and it facilitates more TeamRoof staff to share this task. In addition, the solution has streamlined project management and enhanced communications between suppliers and customers through the creation of highly professional branded and standardised quotes.

Searcher Seismic


Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – Searcher Seismic

We are happy to work with OneIT

Alan Hopping
General Manager

Visualisation, Quote & Sales System

Consolidating quoting and data management into one system saved Sercher Seismic a significant amount of time and allows them to be more proactive in their sales process.


Searcher Seismic provides high quality, non-exclusive seismic datasets and associated products to some of the world largest oil and gas companies. The access to the data library consisting of both 2D/3D reprocessing and 2D/3D acquisition products, was slow and with limited functionality. Additionally, the Access database was not integrated with their sales system.


The newly developed integrated system provides the Searcher Seismic sales team with a tool to easily identify the data their clients currently own and to visualise complex spatial information. It also helps them to easily identify and recommend new information that might be useful to their clients.


Rapidly search and display complex spatial data on any computer
Quickly identify which datasets customers already own
Prepare recommendations and generate quotes for new data
Automatically integrate spatial maps into quotes


The new solution provides Searcher’s sales team with an advantage of an instant access to their data library and quick identification of a sales opportunity. Assisting the customers in identifying their business needs and making critical decisions, by providing tailored data recommendations.

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