207 on High


Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – 207 on High

OneIT created an integrated booking engine to facilitate online bookings by users and agents.

Online Booking System

Elevating online brand presence and bookings for an accommodation group.


207 on High was initially part of an accomodation group offering premium accommodation in Fremantle, the Swan Valley and Cape Tribulation. They were keen to elevate their online brand presence in a highly competitive market with the development of three new websites, complete with online booking functionality.


With visual appeal being a key driver for online bookings, web design formed a major component of the project. OneIT worked closely with 207 on High and the other brands to establish an understanding of each property and their respective markets.


Three distinctive web designs administered by a single content management system
An integrated booking engine to facilitate online bookings by users and agents
Search engine optimisation to maximise visibility and increase traffic to the accommodation sites


All three properties booked up quickly after the launch of the revamped sites and new online booking engine, and they continue to maintain a consistently high level of online traffic and room reservations.

New properties can be easily added to the group, each benefiting from the booking system and platform. This was demonstrated with a new Swan Valley property three months after completion of the website.



Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – Toxfree

We have been really pleased with everything you have done for the system and the consultations we have had so far with all of you.

Corinne Matambanadzo
HR Coordinator

Candidate Management System (HR)

Toxfree’s innovative web-based Candidate Management database makes the application and review process significantly more efficient by linking with seek.com.au.


Toxfree is one of Australia's premier integrated waste management and industrial service companies. With over 30 facilities across Australia, they provide sustainable and innovative waste management solutions for a wide variety of hazardous and non hazardous waste.
Their workforce is over 800-strong, and the majority of employees are under short-term contracts. Frequently, when projects finish, contractors apply for alternative positions. This complicates the application and review process. Under the old manual system, this was a very time consuming process that increased the risk of error.


OneIT delivered a customised web-based Candidate Management System that receives, filters and manages any job applications submitted via seek.com.au.


Allows for multiple administrators to have password access
Entry of job applications from Seek direct to the database became smoother and automated
When existing contractors reapply for job applications their existing profile is automatically archived, merged and updated
Each application received is filed in a job specific database
Users can filter applicants by rating as they progress through each level
Automatically generated email and SMS notifications to all applicants
Additionally, we provided a ‘quick-view’ report allowing database administrators to quickly and easily view the status of a specific applicant.


The new system eliminates the risk and time of manual data entry. It also centralises and improves the job application process, right from the first posting on Seek to correspondence and selection of the successful candidate. The system makes it easy for new staff to learn and improves process for existing staff applying for new projects.

Travel & Sports Australia


Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – Travel & Sports Australia

OneIT devised and built a system for us that is both easy to use and more importantly, gives us the accuracy required to get the job done – in a fraction of the time! It’s made some difficult processes simple and effective.

Callum Chambers
Sales Executive

Travel Management & Booking System

Generating itineraries, booking and invoicing all aspects of corporate events in one centralised, automated system with reporting abilities and ongoing support.


Limited by the use of an Access database that had become very inefficient and cumbersome, with no way of reporting and no IT support, Travel and Sports Australia needed to invest in a customised system that could manage all aspects of the corporate package bookings and it solved their reporting and support concerns.


Every aspect of creating itineraries is managed by the brand new system developed by OneIT. It takes into account how many seats are available for booking on a flight as well as how many rooms are available in a hotel. It sends notifications to airlines and hotels of client bookings and also keeps track of payments and outstanding monies.
The new and improved system has a reporting engine that enables employees to run off reports with current data as and when they need it. And, importantly for users, they receive 24 hour support 7 days a week from the OneIT staff which is crucial for the travel industry.


Bulk email marketing to select and segmented customers
Almost instant notification of bookings with client information to hotels and airlines across Australia
A easy to use record of payments made and balance of outstanding payments system
Invoice generation
Quick view reporting dashboard to for status reports of events and attendees


The new system automates and streamlines all the tasks in the process of booking a corporate package, saving users a considerable amount of their time and dramatically lowering any room for error.

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    We have created an e-book especially for larger SMEs. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
    We have created an e-book especially for larger SMEs. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
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