BHP Billiton


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solution we developed to help their business.

About – BHP Billiton

We thank you for your expertise in helping us develop the tool and would not hesitate to contact OneIT in the future should we need further or new development.

Paul Berry
Principal Advisor Heritage

Access Based Survey Tracker

Leading global resource company, BHP Billiton is now empowered with a specialized Survey Tracker tool to process all their survey data accurately and efficiently.


As one of the world's largest diversified resource companies and a leading supplier of iron ore to global market, BHP Billiton is always keen to follow high quality growth opportunities to meet the changing needs of their customers. With the emerging demands of the business, BHP found it difficult use their manual excel reporting system to produce quality reports to fulfill basic compliance requirements with state and federal heritage and environmental legislation and government administration. As a result, BHP Heritage's Survey Department decided to move into an automated solution, which can serve them better by automating all the business procedures.


Going through BHP business processes thoroughly, OneIT built an Access database survey tracker tool, which can import all the project data from an Excel spreadsheet into predefined fields in the system. Once the data is imported, staff can run reports and export those reports back to Excel.


It is easy and fast to upload data into a new system with a one button click
System produces detailed error reports with editing functionality
Data validations are used to ensure that user have completed all the data entry steps
Job number is used to track all the reports from scoping to reporting
New reporting tool exports report back to the Excel
Reporting module is now producing reports based on metrics and survey types and has ability to generate statistics such as total number of square kilometres covered per day per type of terrain; and total amount of dollars spends per square kilometre covered per day per type of terrain


The Access based survey tracker system has released BHP staff’s biggest burden, by enabling them to generate accurate reports efficiently by performing fast data imports and exports.



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solution we developed to help their business.

About – BOC Australia

The Pack Certification Register developed by OneIT has delivered tangible operational and commercial benefits.

Inventory Tracking System

BOC’s Pack Certification Database streamlines product monitoring and distribution worldwide.


BOC sends a variety of gas tanks to oil, gas and industrial customers throughout Australia, offshore and overseas, all of which have stringent safety inspection and certification needs. Having a paper-based information system, BOC was struggling to track and handle consignments and get the appropriate details for customers, impacting their credibility and capacity to facilitate gas deliveries.


We designed a purpose-designed Pack Certification Database for BOC, particularly to handle the 16-cylinder packages they dispatch throughout the globe, including to offshore rigs.


An assets tracking and data register
A knowledge-base for inspection prerequisites
A safe and secure online library for certification files
An inspection reporting management software
An auditing software featuring a complete inspection track record


Certificates and records are now created at a press of a key, presenting BOC together with their customers with web admission to all of the related package requirements, serial numbers and certification track records. Along with minimizing maintenance time and costs, this simplifies the delivery and distribution strategy.

Bottom line Benefits

With reduced recurring expenses and better control, such as on-demand admission to comprehensive shipment information and certifications, the Pack Certification Database has offered visible operational and commercial advantages, whilst boosting BOC’s recognition as a growing supplier of gas products and solutions.

Searcher Seismic


Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – Searcher Seismic

We are happy to work with OneIT

Alan Hopping
General Manager

Visualisation, Quote & Sales System

Consolidating quoting and data management into one system saved Sercher Seismic a significant amount of time and allows them to be more proactive in their sales process.


Searcher Seismic provides high quality, non-exclusive seismic datasets and associated products to some of the world largest oil and gas companies. The access to the data library consisting of both 2D/3D reprocessing and 2D/3D acquisition products, was slow and with limited functionality. Additionally, the Access database was not integrated with their sales system.


The newly developed integrated system provides the Searcher Seismic sales team with a tool to easily identify the data their clients currently own and to visualise complex spatial information. It also helps them to easily identify and recommend new information that might be useful to their clients.


Rapidly search and display complex spatial data on any computer
Quickly identify which datasets customers already own
Prepare recommendations and generate quotes for new data
Automatically integrate spatial maps into quotes


The new solution provides Searcher’s sales team with an advantage of an instant access to their data library and quick identification of a sales opportunity. Assisting the customers in identifying their business needs and making critical decisions, by providing tailored data recommendations.



Please click on the client logos below to learn about the custom software
solution we developed to help their business.

About – Crushing Services International

Rapid growth in our business meant we had enormous amounts of information to deal with. The new database hugely reduces the time it takes to manage so many assets and we can easily find information when we need it.

Daniel Avard
Crane/Rigging Manager

Online Database System

Crushing Services International (CSI) Pty Ltd, equipped with a new and powerful online database system, is now providing efficient services to their clients across Western Australia.


With the mining boom increasing demand for Crushing Services International (CSI), there was a pressing need for a web-based database that could grow with the business. At that time, there was no system to easily record and track the daily usage, location, and availability of vehicles and machinery.


When we met up for the first meeting session, CSI were specific with their system requirements and that they were under time restraints to develop their online database asset management system. After studying their requirements, OneIT developed and launched a powerful web based system within two months, which was an excellent fit to their growing business needs. The new user friendly solution fulfills their requirement by enabling them to track their projects and asset details accurately.


Each system user is provided with a valid username and password to ensure the data security
Users of the system can track the state-wide usage of cranes, vehicle and rigging equipments
Ability to schedule human and non-human assets
Resource library and Lift studies are well maintained
Ability to keep and track maintenance reports
System sends automatic email notifications/reminders to construction sites of compliance and on maintenance requirements


During training, it took less than five minutes for site staff to learn how to record their hours, kilometres and faults in the maintenance area of the database. Now, it takes just five minutes on average to enter all the hours for ten cranes.

Managers in Perth can easily locate any crane and immediately see when they are available. On the ground in remote WA, it has brought about significant improvements in asset usage, maintenance, training, and health & safety.


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