OneIT - Custom BusinesS software

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Triage Form v1
Which of these best describes you?
How many people are in that organisation?
We have created an e-book especially for startups. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
We have created an e-book especially for businesses with 5 people or less. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
We have created an e-book especially for SMEs. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
We have created an e-book especially for larger SMEs. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
We have created an e-book especially for larger SMEs. Would you like a copy sent to you, free of charge?
What are the key benefits you see from building a prototype first
What is the key benefit you are trying to achieve?
Next up you'll see the calendar slots we have available
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